
movin' on up

there's a lot that I want to blog about, a lot of inspiration that's been bubbling around, so many photo shoots planned... but life has been all over the place lately. kindof like my possessions.
but as chaotic as that looks, this picture makes me happy. why? because my stuff is finally in the new place. and because it's my new dining room. I finally have an actual dining room. not a living/dining room. not an eat-in kitchen. a real dining room.
and even though my table is a twice-handed-down made in 1958 covered in craft paint and glitter original that clashes with the futuristic old-roommate-leftover chairs, I love it. because it feels like home.
my life for the past week has been unpacking boxes and painting. it's still not finished yet. this can is meant for the living room. a greyish purple color that won't clash with the sage green couches but will be easy to match new slipcovers to. but pieces of the apartment are coming together.
the cookbook shelf in the kitchen. though I think there is another box of books somewhere to be unpacked, because a few are missing. and all the pyrex and casserole dishes are still at the old place. and most of the coffee mugs. and I haven't opened up the new swiffer wetjet so please excuse the crumbs on the floor.
the guest bath is just about done. just needs some wall art. which... all our picture frames are still packed in suitcases wrapped in towels and extra blankets. 
and the master bath is blue and green. and black and white. I found these Lacoste towels at Marshall's. I am in love with the little gators. and they are oh so soft. this room could use some wall art a well... I know exactly what I want to hang up but I have to order the prints.
eventually, everything will be painted and sorted and hung, and I'll just be able to curl up in front of the fireplace. that's right. I have a fireplace. go ahead and be jealous.

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