
week nineteen: ouch

sometimes, we fall down. even when we are trying hard to do something good. like waking up at 6am to train for your 1/2 marathon. sometimes we fall down hard. into gravelly potholes. and we scrape our knee for the first time in what feels like 20 years. and suddenly remember why kids cry so much when that happens. that shit hurts. so we cry a little and get embarrassed and gimp home and feel like we've failed for the day because it was less than a mile into our run that the incident occurred.

then the next day comes. and we remember: we are adults now. we have lived through many scrapes and falls. we realize how lucky it was we were wearing long sleeves and running tights, and that we didn't fall on our face. we tell ourselves to be strong and persevere, that if a 6-yr-old can bounce back the next day so can a 26-yr-old, and that sweat in an open wound can't hurt that much.

so we strap on our shoes, and go run.

[just not down that road anymore.]

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