but the true test comes tomorrow. I've been trying to make a return to running for a while now, and just can't seem to stick. it's not the first day that's the hardest, it's the second.
I'm a bit behind on sharing news, so bear with me as I try to recap. in no particular order.
1. Colorado was amazing, relaxing, refreshing. exactly what I needed. many mountainous photos are in the queue for editing.
2. I've been thinking of deleting my tumblr, as I haven't been using it. and pinterest. and maybe even twitter. oh, and the baking blog is also on the chopping block. [like you were surprised?]
3. Husband comes home in FOUR DAYS! and this place is just about as big of a disaster as it was when he left. must fold laundry. must vacuum kitten tumbleweeds.
4. thank goodness Katie prefers to sleep on my couch instead of my
5. I created a photography website. or rather, I should say I started one. I made myself a set of watermark images and brushes. and as soon as the bride gets her photos, I will be sharing some here! [it's only fair she gets to see them first] BUT I can give you a sneak at the watermark... more on the name later.
The watermark looks awesome! How did you do it?